The Cruden Farm Picnic day dawned with a major change in the weather, for which we were all very grateful. The day before had been 37 degrees, however on Wednesday it was only 25. Unfortunately the weather over the last few days had put some off attending this event. However 55 members did come along to enjoy the picnic.
In preparation for our arrival, the lovely staff had set out the tables and chairs in the stable courtyard.
Dame Elisabeth's beautiful black dog also came to greet us and wander among the tables looking for a pat and maybe a dropped piece of food.
Within the hour, people were arriving and socialising had begun.

Eric was given a card for his OBE (over bloody eighty) birthday, with a packet of blue pills - I wonder what they are for? We all sang happy birthday.
After lunch, many took the opportunity to wander the gardens or have a cup of tea and a chat.
The sun broke through the clouds on several occasions, and showed there was still a lot of bite in it.
Once again a lovely day was had with good friends. Thanks to Roy and Win for organising the day.