There can only be one Marion and everyone was happy to see her back as President of Frankston Branch. This year saw an increase in the numbers on Committee and that means our club is healthy and thriving, needless to say, all the members take credit for such a great club.
It's true we are friendly and take great pride in our inclusiveness. Everyone is welcome and welcomed at Frankston, so if you're in the area, check us out.
So, from the top we have the effervescent Marion leading us into another year:
A special thank you to Bob who fitted us into his busy schedule. There is always a warm welcome for any visitors from other Branches at our meetings.
Back row: Bob Goodyear conducted the election, John (Vice President).
Front row, Mary (Secretary), Marion (President), Mike (Treasurer).
Next the general committee:
Back Row: Mike, John, Geoffrey.
Middle row: Leanne, Helen, Edna, Pam, Margaret.
Front row: Diane, Marion, Mary, Jo, Margaret (Social Events Coordinator), Brenda.
With all of you looking after all of us, we can look forward to another fantastic year.