Carol steps down as President |
Frankston Branch has a large following, however, numbers can fluctuate depending on the time of year. Several members head north over the winter months, avoiding the worst of our Melbourne weather.
Unfortunately, there are always members on our sick list, but Dick and his wife Daphne do an excellent job of visiting and telephoning these members, just to let them know we are thinking of them.
The Branch runs smoothly with a very competent committee who have been serving for some years, however recently two rookies have been recruited, Marion, who took over as secretary and has done a wonderful job. Marion has never done anything like this before, and Lorraine who will assist Win with the trips and other activities planning.
A typical Branch meeting |
We are a very friendly group who welcome new members and visitors into the fold. In this day and age, there simply isn't any excuse to sit at home alone, much better to make friends and enjoy yourself..